What is Generation Healthy Children?

Generation Healthy Children is a research and community project aimed at investigating how to create healthy and well-being-filled childhoods. The core part is a large intervention experiment that spans two school years, impacting the lives of around 2200 children who start in 1st and 2nd grade in August 2023 at 24 selected schools in Sjælland and the Southern Region of Denmark

What's happening in Generation Healthy Children?

The project implements a variety of initiatives at 12 intervention schools, while 12 schools serve as a comparison baseline. These initiatives include, among others:

  • Healthy and climate-friendly school meals – delivered by ØJN

  • Integration of more physical activity into education

  • Workshops for parents and children on healthy sleep and screen habits

In addition, the project involves the community through after-school care facilities (SFO), sports clubs, and supermarkets, as well as other local and national stakeholders.

Who is behind Generation Healthy Children?

The project is a collaboration between four research institutions:

Supported by Novo Nordisk Foundation

Om madordningen

Maden spiller en central rolle i Generation Sunde Børn. I samarbejde med ernæringsforskere fra Institut for Idræt og Ernæring på Københavns Universitet har ØJN Skolemad udviklet en frokostordning der:

  • Serveres gratis 4 dage om ugen

  • Følger officielle sunde og klimavenlige kostråd

  • Inkluderer en rig variation af frugt og grøntsager, fisk, fuldkorn, kød, og bælgfrugter

  • Involverer børnene i hele spiseoplevelsen, fra dækning af bord til oprydning

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