No learning without nourishment

ØJN skolemad er skabt af Søren Ejlersen og Thomas Hess Nielsen, med det formål – at så mange skolebørn som muligt, skal nyde godt af et sundt, mættende, økologisk og bæredygtigt måltid skolemad HVER DAG. 

ØJN skolemad er billig og let at implementere på skolen. I princippet skal der kun bruges køl, 1-2 ovne, 2 vaske og 1 opvaskemaskine samt en “Køkkenhelt” der arrangere maden.

Maden er 100% økologisk (med undtagelse af fiskeprodukterne) og min. 80% plantebaseret. Vi bruger ingen engangsemballage og der er meget lidt madspild.

Råvarerne er af højeste kvalitet. Alt frugt og grønt samt de plantebaserede måltidskomponenter, bliver leveret til skolen af

Maden kommer ”semi færdigt” så en medarbejder (køkkenhelten) på skolen, på 3-4 timer dagligt, kan lune, hakke, snitte og arrangere det sidste samt vaske op og gøre klar til dagen efter.  

Vi er allerede i fuld gang med indskolingen på en række skoler landet rundt – med stor succes. Konceptet virker også til 4. og 5. årgang.  Vi er også i gang med at udvikle en skolebods-model, der vil sikre mad til de ældste elever.

Vi kan rådgive jer med at opgradere køkkenet. Har I allerede et køkken, er det godt. Ellers opgraderer vi det rum I har til rådighed, nemt og billigt. Vi laver mad i både SFO køkkener, små professionelle køkkener og mindre rum, som vi indretter til et lille anretter køkken.

Børnene spiser sammen. Oftest i klasserne i små grupper, med hver sin bordhelt. Det stimulerer ro, øger lighed, gør udvikling af madmod større og øger trivslen i klassen. Konceptet sikrer, at børnenes maver og hjerner fyldes op og slapper af. Alle måltider nydes med rigeligt vand.

Sammen med maden bliver der løbende lavet materiale, som I efter eget ønske kan anvende. Små film som beskriver elementer fra gastronomiens og råvarernes verden og gør de unge kloge på, hvordan en gulerod bliver til og hvor meget vand der er i agurker.

Få en dybere indsigt i Øjn skolemadsløsning ved at downloade vores PDF-dokument. 

Her kan I læse om, hvordan vi kan tilbyde jeres skole, en sund, bæredygtig og økonomisk fordelagtig skolemadsløsning. Vi gennemgår priser samt alt det praktiske.

Click here to download the PDF

The team

Thomas Hess Nielsen

Co-founder & Director

Thomas is still the Development Manager at Aarstiderne, where, already in 2003, he was one of the minds behind the world's first meal box.

The rest of the time, he spends at Øjn, where he is the director and responsible for all operational aspects, including gastronomy and the entire supply chain.

Thomas has a lifelong experience in building gastronomic components that can be scaled with high quality.

Søren Ejlersen


A versatile individual with the intention that this chapter called Øjn – no learning without nourishment – is going to set a new standard for a school food concept that is worthwhile.

For decades, he has wondered why such a concept did not exist. So when no one else does it, Øjn must come into existence.

You know Søren as the Co-founder of Aarstiderne, Founder of Haver til Maver, Co-founder of Planetary Impact Ventures, Co-founder of BaneGaarden, and Co-founder of Fælleshaven.

Maria Elmvang


Maria sørger for, at køkkenheltene får alle de varer de skal bruge, samt den daglige kommunikation.

She is passionate about making a positive difference in children's lives by providing them with nourishing meals that support their health and well-being.

Mette Reichstein Ejlersen

Responsibility for everything you see

Brand Manager and Tone of Voice.

Mette also works with both Aarstiderne and originally created the identity behind the school gardens, Haver til Maver, Planetarys, and BaneGaarden.

Sanne Holden Venlov

Gastronomic Developer

Sanne has previously been a part of Aarstiderne, where she contributed to developing the meal box.
universe. She has, among other things, written thousands of recipes, developed products for the boxes, and written cookbooks.
I øjn udvikler hun menuerne og de helt rigtige, smagfulde, sunde og børnevenlige retter, der gør en positiv
forskel i børnenes liv .

Camilla Rode

Digital projektleder og kommunikation

Som vores digitale projektleder, er Camilla den styrkende kraft bag vores online univers.

She combines her deep passion for healthy cooking and her love for fresh, flavorful vegetables with a vision to make healthy food accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Rishi Sæther

Photo & film as well as audio universe enthusiast

Decades of work with Aarstiderne, Haver til Maver, Fælleshaven, and BaneGaarden have immersed him deeply in the communication of soil, raw materials, and gastronomy.

Rishi is responsible for developing the entire sensory universe that should stimulate the children's appetite, provide kitchen tools, and make the world understand how essential it is to give children access to healthy, nourishing, sustainable food.


In ØJN, the school lunch is transformed into a well-being-supporting learning experience that goes beyond just getting full. ØJN envisions a future where all children in Denmark have access to healthy, delicious, and sustainable food that enriches their school experience, promotes their well-being, and inspires them to adopt healthy sustainable habits.

Our mission is to deliver high-quality, nutritious, and sustainable food to schools throughout Denmark. We aim to make the school food experience an interactive and engaging process that promotes learning, health, and social interaction. By integrating nutrition education, cultural diversity, and sustainability education into our food experience, we strive to equip children with valuable life skills and knowledge.

1. Clarity

We believe in honesty and transparency in everything we do. We are clear about where our food comes from, how it is made, and what it contains.

2. Health

We prioritize health in all aspects of our work. We aim to serve food that is nourishing for both the body and mind, promoting a lifelong healthy lifestyle, and adhering to national dietary guidelines.

3. Education

We see food as a crucial part of education. We strive to make food a learning experience that can help children understand where food comes from, how it affects their health, and the world around them. Additionally, we believe that learning is enhanced with stomachs filled with healthy food.

4. Sustainability

We believe in taking care of our planet. We do our best to minimize our environmental impact through the choice of organic ingredients, minimal use of disposable packaging, and a focus on minimizing food waste.

5. Community

We believe in the power of community. We think that food is a fantastic way to create connections between people, and we strive to create an inclusive, welcoming environment where all children feel valued and included.
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